
What are escape games?

Escape games, also known as escape rooms, are immersive experiences that challenge players to race the clock to solve puzzles, riddles, and find clues in order to escape a locked room or complete a mission.


Escape Online

We bring the excitement and challenge of real-world escape games to the online dimension. Our immersive escape games can be played online with anyone, and are designed to be both fun and engaging for players of all skill levels. We (will soon) offer a variety of game modes, universes, and difficulty levels, ensuring that there is something for everyone, whether for a seasoned escape game player or a beginner. Our unique and challenging escape games provide an opportunity to test problem-solving skills and enjoy an engaging experience with friends or colleagues.

Who are we?

We are escape game enthusiasts who want to share the thrill and excitement of escape games to the online world. We have created an online platform that offers unique and challenging escape games that can be played with friends from anywhere at anytime.

How to contact us?

If you have any questions, comments, feedback or professional inquiries about our escape games or website, we'll be happy to hear from you at our discord server. There's also dedicated channels for the players to talk or find teammates.

Privacy Policy

We take the protection of our users' personal information very seriously. We do not misuse their data in any way and do not derive any commercial benefits from it.